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La carte CFFA3000 est prête

De l'héritage d'APPLE (PowerPC, 68k), aux systèmes alternatifs (Distributions Linux, BeOS, OS/2, ...)

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Messages : 14
Enregistré le : 19 juin 2011, 19:45

La carte CFFA3000 est prête

Message non lu par toinet »

La carte CompactFlash et USB pour Apple II de Rich Dreher est prête. Il faut maintenant la réserver. J'inclus son message :
Hello “CFFA3000 Interest” List:

You are receiving this email because you asked to be placed on the
CFFA3000 interest list. If you do not want to receive these emails, please reply asking to be
removed from the list.

We are now accepting PRE-ORDERS for the CFFA3000. We have built a batch
of 300 cards and 270 are going up for pre-order today. Because of high demand for this card,
I am asking that everyone limit themselves to 1 or 2 cards total. This should allow more
people to get a card that was two years in the making.

There are two products listed on the web site: The CFFA3000 (US$149.95)
which includes a manual on CD-ROM, and an optional accessory: The CFFA3000 remote switch and
cable (US$19.95). The remote switch is not required to use the CFFA3000, but is useful for people who
will be playing a lot of multi-disk games, like Prince of Persia or Ultima. With this remote you
can trigger disk image switching while the games in running. If you don’t have the remote,
there are two other ways to switch disks:

1) On an Apple IIgs, use the CFFA3000's on-screen menus via
Apple-Control-Esc. However, not all software allows access to the menus without
2) Use separate flash drives for each floppy in the game's disk set.

It will take about 6 to 8 weeks before the CFFA3000 is ready for
shipment. We have recently shipped about 22 CFFA3000’s to Kfest attendees who
have agreed to be our beta testers.
We will use feedback from beta testers to create a more solid v1.0
firmware release.

To place a pre-order please go to the following web site:
http://dreher.net/?s=projects/CFforAppl ... erForm.php

The web site uses a new shopping cart and if you have any problems
please contact me right away at: rich@dreher.net. The web site will charge the actual shipping
costs to your location.
All shipping is handled through USPS.com. Please be aware that shipments
will generally be in the order payments are received. If you want to pay by check or money
order and I receive your payment quickly, I will use your order date so you are not being
punished for not using Paypal.

To follow the progress of the beta testing you can look for posts to the
forum at:

Because of forum spambots we will change the forum’s web address from
time to time.
You can always navigate to the forum via the left navigation bar on the
main web site located at:
http://dreher.net/?s=projects/CFforAppl ... I/main.php

This project took much longer than I expected and I want to thank
everyone for their support.
Building boards for old Apple II’s is a lot of fun.
I went to my first KFest this year and everyone there made me feel right
at home.

Thank you,
Rich Dreher
R&D Automation
Antoine Vignau
Brutal Deluxe Software
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Messages : 149
Enregistré le : 14 mars 2010, 17:34

Re: La carte CFFA3000 est prête

Message non lu par tilt_93 »

Salut Antoine,

Merci pour l'info.

C'est certainement un excellent produit pour qui dispose d'un Apple IIe.

L'auteur du produit est connu et à priori très sérieux.

Pour ma part, vu que j'utilise "au quotidien" un Apple IIc, je penches davantage vers la solution développé et présenté ici même par Pcedric (SPVHD).
Le IIc par rapport à l'Europlus me permet de faire tourner tous les softs (jeux DHRG, utilitaire souris...) et permet l'affichage couleur. Dans ce cas, passer par un boitier connecté sur le smartport c'est l'idéal...

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Messages : 14
Enregistré le : 19 juin 2011, 19:45

Re: La carte CFFA3000 est prête

Message non lu par toinet »

Le premier lot de 300 cartes est parti à la vente. Pour les retardataires, il faut prier pour qu'il y ait un second lot !
Antoine Vignau
Brutal Deluxe Software

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